James Derulo's


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99,9% das pessoas na faixa dos 30 anos lembra da propaganda da Star Sax que tinha como trilha a belíssissíssima canção do Kraftwerk, The Hall of Mirrors. Alguém conta melhor a história... relembrar é navegar na web, rs.

"Mas um comercial mais do que marcante e conhecido dos brasileiros foi o do Star Sax, uma marca de calçados cuja trilha 'Hall of Mirrors' enfeitiçou mais criancinhas no fim dos 80's do que o flautista de Hammelin. No comercial havia um homem que caminhava sobre trilhos enquanto tocava o início de Hall of Mirrors, 'The young man stepped into the hall of mirrors, when he discovered a reflection of himself; Even the greatest stars...' e acabava com o som do vento."


A música na íntegra para quem se prestar a ler poder pensar sobre a própria vida e quem sabe, ficar um pouco mais deprê em relação a tuuuuuudo. Um cartaz do show dos Deutsche Robots e que eu ainda vou ver, ahhh eu vou meeermo.

The Hall of Mirrors

The young man stepped into the hall of mirrors
Where he discovered a reflection of himself
Even the greatest stars discover themselves in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars discover themselves in the looking glass

Sometimes he saw his real face
And sometimes a stranger at his place
Even the greatest stars find their face in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars find their face in the looking glass

He fell in love with the image of himself
and suddenly the picture was distorted
Even the greatest stars dislike themselves in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars dislike themselves in the looking glass

He made up the person he wanted to be
And changed into a new personality
Even the greatest stars change themselves in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars change themselves in the looking glass

The artist is living in the mirror
With the echoes of himself
Even the greatest stars live their lives in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars live their lives in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars fix their face in the looking glass

Even the greatest stars fix their face in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars live their lives in the looking glass

Even the greatest stars live their lives in the looking glass

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